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Solaris Vigneti delle Dolomiti IGT 2019

Ottimo in abbinamento a piatti speziati, carni bianche e carpacci di pesce


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Alcohol content: 

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The Niedermayr family's Hof Gandberg wine estate stands on the sunny slope above San Michele in Appiano-here around typical South Tyrolean farmstead at 530 m above sea level the grapes destined for the winery and eventually the bottle are born and ripen. Thomas young winemaker following the example of his father Rudy, organic pioneer for over twenty'years and since 2013 has dedicated himself with enormous entusisamo and continuous research to Piwi varieties, i.e. varieties resistant to the main vine diseases, which allow to maintain a natural balance of the'ecosystem, avoid invasive phytosanitary treatments, obtaining healthy wines, great personality with exceptional results. Keeping the'entire production process pristine, from vine to bottle, is a great challenge. For Thomas Niedermayr, the process begins early on. In the soil. In the mother earth itself. Only healthy, fertile soil can grow hardy, thriving plants. Those who tread the estate's soil come across Indian running ducks, chickens, lovingly tended gardens where vegetables and herbs thrive, and immediately notice the wild plants growing among the vines. Solaris, Bronner, Sauvigner gris, and Carbernet Carbon are among the outstanding wines from the Hof Gandferg Estate production


Dai vigneti della Tenuta Hof Gandberg ubicati ad Appiano Monte tra i 500 e 700 m s.l.m. nasce questo succoso nettare, frutto di passione, ricerca e cura della famiglia Niedermayr. In un ambiente vitale crescono vini naturali da varietà Piwi(resistenti ai funghi). Solaris 2019 è un vino sincero, dal carattere elegantemente fruttato e speziato.

Organoleptic characteristics: 

Colore giallo paglierino luminoso luminoso Profumi decisi, di fruttac a polpa gialla, dai ricordi esotici e frutti a nocciolo, dalla nespola alle susine. Il sorso è succoso, di grande freschezza, con ritortni di uva spina, pesca nettarina. Carattere vivace, di lunga persistenza.

Storage time: 

2-7 years old


Macerazione di alcune ore seguita da pressatura delicata delle uve intere. Fermentazione spontanea del mosto tramite i lieviti indigeni del vigneto. Maturazione in acciaio, e in botte di rovere neutra prima sulla feccia grossa poi su quella fina. Non filtrato.


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