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Le Fossette IGP Puglia 2022 Biologico Longo

Si abbina a piatti tradizionali della cucina marinara


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Alcohol content: 

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Alberto Longo's passion for his land and for wine has deep roots. Ever since he was a child, his dream has been to continue the centuries-old Longo family winemaking tradition, seeking to increase its production potential and product quality. The Alberto Longo Winery is located in Lucera, in northern Apulia, in an area of very high environmental and historical value. The high quality of the wines and organic products of the Alberto Longo winery comes from skills matured and refined over generations and from the will and tenacity of those who have been able to enhance, through the fruits of their labor, the extraordinary characteristics of northern Daunia. Committed to the enhancement of local grape varieties and, above all, always committed to defend the prestige and spread the knowledge of our most representative DOC: that of Cacc'e Mmitte di Lucera, established in 1976. In addition, the winery has long implemented actions aimed at safeguarding the environment and the planet that hosts us, starting from the self-production of electricity, to the use in hospitality - in the winery and in the farm - of selected natural and km 0 organic products, to sustainable and organic environmental choices for our productions


Le Fossette è ottenuto da uve 100% Falanghina, zona di produzione Masseria Celentano, San Severo, Puglia settentrionale, da un vigneto impiantato nel 2002. Un vino armonico dai sentori floreali e balsamici.

Organoleptic characteristics: 

Colore: giallo paglierino con riflessi dorati, cristallino e luminoso Profumo: abbastanza intenso, non molto complesso infatti troviamo i profumi preponderanti di frutta esotica, mango, litchi e banana, insieme ad un bouquet di fiori gialli Al sorso è prevalentemente sapido, con una spalla acida da supporto, discretamente morbido.

Storage time: 

0-3 years old


Dopo una spremitura soffice dei grappoli diraspati, segue una breve criomacerazione in pressa e la successiva decantazione statica del mosto a 0°C. La fermentazione alcolica avviene in serbatoi di acciaio inox a temperatura controllata. Il vino ottenuto viene mantenuto sulle fecce fini per tre mesi.


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