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W’Heart! Rosato IGP 2022

Ideale come aperitivo, con bruschette di tartare di pesce e la classica pizza


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Alcohol content: 

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Cantine Barsento is a winery founded in 1969 , which has always been founded on the enhancement of quality wines from the Nocese countryside alone. What makes this winery so special and unique are definitely the approximately one thousand square meters of underground cellar dug into the limestone rock and 15 meters deep, with its perfectly organized tunnels and cells that enclose real and valuable treasures of our wine tradition. The function of the underground cellar is to obtain a wine aged in the rocky cooperage, making sure that there is precise control of temperature and humidity. The native grape varieties are Primitivo, Malvasia and Negramaro, for the red wines, verdeca and fiano; vines chosen for their expression of territoriality, authenticity and specificity and whose quality is further sublimated through an exclusively manual fruit harvesting chain. Even the choice of labels is not left to chance, such as The W'Heart wines, which are the result of an innovative communication project in the world of wine: more than 60 special talking artist labels for bottles of white, rosé, red, sparkling white and sparkling rosé wines. Each one created by Apulian digital artist Claudio Castellana


W’heart è il sogno di un vino in cui l’etichetta cambia sulla base delle vostre emozioni. L’amore, la spensieratezza, la nostalgia, il gioco. Dieci illustrazioni realizzate da Claudio Castellana, giovane artista digitale dal tratto semplice e istintivo, abbinato a giochi di parole che sarete voi ad interpretare, a seconda del vostro stato d’animo.

DIFFERENTI etichette disponibili di questo Primitivo rosato.

Organoleptic characteristics: 

Colore rosa corallo Al naso profumi dolcemente fruttati di fragoline di bosco, melograno e note floreali Al palato presenta una gradevole freschezza

Storage time: 

1-2 years


Diraspatura e fermentazione a bassa temperatura. Il mosto resta a macerare con le bucce per circa 10 ore (lacrima), dopo di che avviene la pressatura soffice


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