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Müller Thurgau IGT 2021

Ideale come aperitivo, con frutti di mare e primi piatti saporiti


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The winery's history began 150 years ago, already under the far-sighted banner of eco-sustainability carved from natural stone underground, it was later modernized and transformed into one of the most beautiful and tradition-rich private wineries in South Tyrol. It is here that Elena Walch wines are born, artfully created from the best grapes following a sustainable approach with full respect for nature and the environment. a leading family-owned winery in South Tyrol, a flagship of Italian wine production and internationally renowned. A promoter of quality and innovation, Elena Walch has helped spearhead the South Tyrolean quality revolution, thus earning high local and international regard. An architect by profession, Elena Walch married the heir to one of the oldest wine families in the region, bringing with her new concepts for modernizing the traditional winery. Today, business management is placed in the hands of daughters Julia and Karoline Walch, the fifth generation of the family. The deep conviction that the quality of wine is born in the vineyard thus brings with it a willingness to work without compromise, respecting the individual characteristics of each vineyard. With 60 hectares under cultivation, Elena Walch ranks among the most important wine personalities in South Tyrol. The wines are distinguished by character, elegance and distinct personality, combined with the highest level of professionalism in making them. The superb climatic conditions and exceptional location of the estates result in fresh, fruity white wines, as well as concentrated, smooth red wines.


Linea “Selezione” dei monovarietali della bellissima realtà altoatesina. Un vino fortemente territoriale, piacevole ottenuto da una vinificazione in acciaio.

Organoleptic characteristics: 

Alla vista si presenta giallo paglierino, al naso è schietto con sentori fragranti, di frutta matura e lieve speziatura, albicocche, noce moscata con effluvi di mandorle e noce moscata. Il sorso è beverino, equilibrato, contraddistinto da una acidità giovanile.

Storage time: 

2-4 years old


Dopo la vendemmia, le uve vengono accuratamente pigiate e pigiate. Il mosto fresco viene chiarificato staticamente a basse temperature, segue una fermentazione a temperatura controllata a 18°C ​​in vasche di acciaio. Il vino giovane matura in serbatoi di acciaio inox per diversi mesi sulle fecce fini.


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